Do What You Can’t

Git Branching Model

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Git Project branching & releasing model

In short, use tag to track every releases and use branch to keep developing parallelized.

Two main branches

During the project development lifecycle, there will be two branches that are almost always there and be used often. Also, they carry all the release tags.


master( or develop) branch

We consider origin/master to be the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release. Some would call this the “integration branch”. This is where any automatic nightly builds are built from.

NOTE: It’s better not to commit directly onto your local master branch, try to use feature branch instead. Keep a clean local master will give you strong confident to get changes from remote by rebase or even just pull origin/master, also save your time in case your changes conflict with others. But if you’re a git expert and you know exactly where you’re and what you’re doing, that’s another story :-)

release branch

We consider origin/release to be the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a deploy-ready state, including release-candidate.

When the source code in the master branch reaches a stable point and is ready to be released, all of the changes should be merged into release and then tagged with a release number.

Normally, it’s shoud be one release candidate with a rc tag and deploy onto the stage environment. During the test or verify stage, all release related commits, including bug-fixes, should be landed on the release branch only.

Therefore, when we decide it is production ready, we can bump version to a normal release, add tag and merge back into master.

NOTE: We use release branch to do the release procedure, including tests or verifications which may take days long, so the development that did not related or targeted to this release will keep moving forward on master branch. That’s the point of using branches to keep developing parallelized.

Other development branches

It’s always okay and recommended to create personal or feature branches, just remember to delete them when they’ve got merged or retired.

And when bug or something bad happend on production environment, we need to do a hot-fix, this is the time we should use a hotfix-<target_release_tag> branch.

personal or feature branch

Normally branch off from: master Must merge back into: master Common steps:

# keep up-to-date with remote master
git fetch origin && git rebase --onto=master origin/master
# create feature branch,
git checkout -b myfeature master
# hack, hack, hack
# push to remote and create a pull request or merge request or a code review
git push origin myfeature

hotfix branch

Must branch off from: <target_release_tag> Must merge back into: release and master Branch naming convention: hotfix-<target_release_tag> Common steps:

# keep up-to-date with remote master
git fetch origin
# create hotfix branch,
git checkout -b hotfix-<buggy_release_tag> <buggy_release_tag>
# hot fix
# git tag and merge back to release and master after a quick verification on the fixes
git tag -a -m "[hotfix]: xxxx" <buggy_release_tag>-hotfix
git push origin hotfix-<buggy_release_tag>
# push hotfix git tag
git push origin <buggy_release_tag>-hotfix


Release procedure

  • make sure all targetd feature commits have landed into the master branch
git fetch origin && git rebase --goto=master origin/master
  • merge them into the release branch
git checkout release
git rebase master
# or
git rebase --goto=release master
  • tag with release candidate tag(optional)
git tag -a -m "[rc]: xxxx" <release_tag>-rc
  • deploy to test/stage environment
  • merge release related commits if any
  • when it’s ready to become a normal release, add release tag
git tag -a -m "[release]: xxxx" <release_tag>
  • merge back into master along with tag
# push release to remote, merge it back to master via PR or merge request or code review tool
git push origin release
git push origin <release_tag>
  • deploy production environment with release tag

